Recently, my class had went on a field trip to "MoMA PS1". There, we encountered a vast majority of well-donned art from lesser known artists. In some case, people would consider most good and others bad..but are they really bad, if there considerable enough to be hung in a museum? One of the arts the i found that i believe was "Good", was
The Long Jump by Carl Lewis. In the painting, the artist painted Lewis at the Olympic games where he set his record long jump and won the gold medal. However, the artist painted him jumping over a prison system and safely landing home. I think its a powerful message because most African-Americans have an image of them always being in jail. The artist shows that African-Americans can overcome that astigmatism and be productive in life. The one in which i thought was "bad" was
the Tim and Gaffi piece. It was basically a desktop background with what looks like a picture of oatmeal, a bull cow holding a trophy, and a calculator pasted on in. I did not understand one bit what that piece was about but it was creative. Apiece that many like me would find misunderstood at first was The Forty Part Motet. Now when you first encounter this piece, you will see that it is actually forty individual pieces of speaker positioned around a wide open room playing music. However, when you carefully listen, you will see that each section of speakers has their own individual sound and they blend together to make one magnificent melody. I thought it was quite brilliant, as to the large amount of space in the room it makes the sound perfect.
The Long Jump by Carl Lewis: Artist:Henry Taylor (2010)
Tim and Gaffi, Artist: Darren Bader (n/a)

The Forty Part Motet, Artist: Janet Cardiff (2001)
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